Cancer is an abnormal growth of body cell or group of cells. If it is not destroyed or removed, cancer can spread very rapidly, and eventually lead to death.
Cancer is an abnormal growth of a body cell or group of cells. If it is not destroyed or removed, cancer can spread very rapidly, and eventually lead to death.
There are two kinds of tumor – Malignant & Benign. A benign tumor is more common, and is generally harmless; it doesn’t spread to other parts of body. A malignant tumor on the other hand, never stops growing unless until treated and can spread to other parts of the body. Cancer is the name given to a malignant growth.
No. Since cancer is not caused by a germ, it is not “catching”, and cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
No. Cancer cells may move through the blood stream to another part of the body indicating spread of disease. Cancer can however develop in certain tissues, which form the blood cells.
- Cancer cells grow through the walls of blood vessels and are carried by the blood stream to other parts of the body.
- They enter the lymphatic stream and are carried to the lymph glands.
- They grow directly in contiguity from one tissue to another.
There is no definite rate of growth of cancer tissue. Some cancers grow fast and some are slow growing. For example it takes 2 to 5 years for breast cancer to develop to 1cm.
No. The term “cancer” includes all forms of malignant growth. Very many varieties are known. These have certain characteristics in common, such as uncontrolled growth, a tendency to spread widely in the body and fatal termination if not treated early and adequately. They differ in certain characteristics, such as location in the body, microscopic appearance, and response to treatment.
There are 7 early warning signals. But the real tragedy about cancer is that it produces very minor symptoms at first. So you could have cancer and not know it. The best way to detect cancer is to have a regular yearly check-up.
By performing a biopsy or FNAC i.e. examining a small portion of the tissue under a microscope. In advanced cases, physical examination alone may reveal the diagnosis. But the chances of cure at late stage are very poor.
No. Leprosy is caused by a germ. Both the symptoms and the treatment for the two diseases are entirely different
As long ago as 3,000 BBC. Egyptian historians made references to ” tumors and ulcers”. Mummies from the Gizeb Pyramids were found to have cancer involving the bones. But the incidence of cancer is increasing. It is related to our life styles and urbanization i.e. tobacco, alcohol use, pollution, preserved and junk food etc. It is becoming a disease of modernization.
Yes. Your life-style may make you more prone to some cancers. e.g. cancers of the colon, lung and skin are common in Britain and U.S.A. Cancers involving the oral cavity are more common in India. In women, cancer of the breast, uterus and gall bladder are common.
One out of every 8 Indians develops cancer in their lifetime. There are about 8.5 lakh cancer patients in India alone (Year, 2000). Though cancer can occur at any age, the incidence is high after the age of 40 to 45.
Though it is very difficult to pinpoint the definite cause. Certain substances, known as carcinogens, can definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. For instance, people who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to mouth, throat and lung cancer, Contrary to popular opinion, beedi smoking is twice as dangerous as cigarettes. Continued irritation of tissues can lead to cancer. Pollution, preserved food, smoked and junk food are also contributory. Even certain viruses can cause cancer (EBV, Hepatitis B, and HPV). Amongst other known causes is asbestos, arsenic, pitch, tar, ultra-violet rays.
There is no scientific evidence that cancer is directly caused by a germ. Although certain viruses are known to cause cancer but they form <2% of the cancer burden.
No. A single injury to soft tissue or bone does not give rise to cancer.
High fat, low roughage western diet predisposes to colon cancer. Diet rich in animal fats also contributes to breast cancer. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits contain certain antioxidants which prevent cancer. Recently tomato, ginger and cabbage etc. have been found to have medicinal antioxidant property. Avoid junk food, smoked food and preserved food. Be vegetarian and prevent cancer!
There is no scientific evidence that it will, since cancer of stomach may occur in people who eat most regularly.
There is little evidence that the temperature of food is an important factor in development of cancer. But recently too hot food has been correlated with food pipe cancer. Too spicy food may be related to stomach cancer as is evident from its high incidence in Southern parts of India.
Alcohol is a predisposing factor for the development of cancer of esophagus, laryngopharynx and liver.
There are probably inherited tendencies that may lead to cancers of different types. The presence of cancer in one or both parents should be a cause for greater alertness in looking for and recognising suspicious symptoms in the individual. Cancer however is not inherited except for one type of eye cancer known as Retinoblastoma. Only 5% of breast cancers are considered hereditary.
No. There is no record of cancer having been transmitted by kissing or by any contact, accidental or otherwise, between individuals or between person and animals.
Cancer may occur in any tissue to the body, but a corn does not as a rule develop into cancer.
Simple freckles do not. However, flat moles containing pigment of a bluish-black colour and looking like dark freckles, may become cancerous and should be checked periodically.
No. Piles or hemorrhoids are merely enlarged veins in the rectal wall. Cancer is occasionally found in the tissue above the hemorrhoids. So “bleeding piles” should be examined carefully to determine whether cancer is also present. Rectal bleeding can occur due to cancer.
Cancer is a disease of body cells. One’s mental condition has no direct effect on the course of the disease since this malignant change is apparently due to physical process. But positive attitudes, fighting spirits and healthy thinking helps you to cope with cancer better. So, it has an indirect bearing on response to cancer treatment.
Indiscriminate use of X-rays frequently may increase your chances of getting cancer. Lately, there are certain reports quoting higher incidence of Leukemia and Brain Tumors in persons using Cell phone. But this needs further research.
Prevention is better than cure. More than half of the cancers are preventable! Avoid smoking and tobacco chewing in any form. Alcohol should only be taken in moderation. It is better avoided. Take low fat, vegetarian diet. Avoid ill fitting dentures, Report to doctor immediately if you notice any of seven warning signals.
develop into cancer with passage of time. Cancer does not form in day’s or week’s time. It takes many years to develop. It passes through many stages normal cell abnormal cell Precancerous lesion Frank cancer Metastasic cancer.
White spots on mucous (lining) membranes, especially of the mouth; non healing sores caused by jagged teeth and ill-fitting dental plates; dark coloured moles which itch or bleed. These should all be investigated by a physician and adequately treated. Sub mucous fibrosis with inability to open mouth, polyps in large intestine Barret’s esophagus associated with reflux oesophagitis are some of the conditions which should alarm the patient and physician. These require careful monitoring.
Cancer of mouth is a largely preventable disease. Avoid use of tobacco in any form (pan parag, pan masala, gutaka etc.) Any sore in mouth which does not heal in three weeks time should be examined by doctor and if required biopsied. Keep the mouth clean. Have jagged teeth filed or removed. Do not use an ill-fitting dental plate, which causes a sore on the gums or cheek. If white spots appear in the mouth or on the tongue, stop the use of tobacco and see a doctor.
Dark coloured moles and warts, which become itchy or bleed or ulcerate, should be removed. Fair-skinned people should avoid overexposure to direct sun rays. Recurrent blisters on the lip should be carefully examined. Skin should always be kept clean
No. A flat colourless mole is probably as harmless as a freckle. Bluish-black hairless moles, especially when subjected to irritation, should be removed. Any mole or wart showing changes in size or colour or bleeding should be promptly and completely removed and the tissue examined by a pathologist to determine if cancer is present.
Primarily because of fear. Ignorance of the signs of cancer and the vital importance of early treatment also play a role. Some people also think there is a social disgrace in having cancer and so hide the fact from their physicians and often from friends and relatives. This is not a justifiable attitude.
He can. The presence of tuberculosis or any other disease gives no assurance that cancer will not develop.
The chief function of white blood corpuscles is to protect the body against bacteria or germs. They kill germs and combat infection. Current research is being undertaken to promote such activity by certain kinds of white blood corpuscles.
- By a prompt visit to a physician when suspicious signs or symptoms appear. Intelligent alertness by the individual may well save his life.
- By having complete, annual physical examinations, as a routine. Women over 35 should be examined once a year.
- By confirming diagnosis at the earliest possible moment, followed by adequate treatment.
- By a widespread knowledge, both layman and professional, of the character of cancer, its causes, methods of spread, and by recognizing the value of early diagnosis and adequate treatment, as the means of protection.
- Most important is prevention of cancer by change of lifestyles
You can only suspect. A regular thorough physical check-up is your best guard against cancer, plus an examination when one of the seven danger signals or warning appears. You are the first line of defense against cancer because, you alone, can recognize a danger signal.
- Change in bowel or bladder habits.
- A sore that does not heal.
- Unusual bleeding or discharge.
- Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
- Obvious change in wart or mole.
- Nagging cough or hoarseness.
You should at once consult a doctor upon the appearance of any sign.
No, except in a cancer involving bone or nerve tissue. Pain usually is a late symptom and when it occurs, the growth is often far advanced.
The sooner it is found it is less likely to have spread to other parts of the body. Early cancer can be cured.
The earlier a cancer is treated the greater are the chances of a cure. Through periodic examinations, cancer may be detected in its early stages, before the individual has noticed any sign or symptom in himself.
RGCI & RC has all screening facilities. Any individual with or without warning signals can come for check-up. Indian cancer society also runs several check up clinics
Thorough cancer check up means examination of all accessible body parts like head and neck, oral cavity, chest, abdomen, breast, vaginal and rectal examination. Cancer screening at RGCI&RC also includes certain blood tests, X-ray chest, US whole abdomen, mammogram, pap’s smear, sputum exam, stool for occult blood and PSA (for prostate). Clinical examination and all investigations are done at nominal rates.
Mammography is a special X-ray examination of the breast tissues. It is a quite sensitive test to pick up early lesions of the breast.
The papanicolaou test (pap smear) is in fact a microscopic examination of the cells exfoliated from the uterus and cervix. The doctor takes a swab from the tissue surface for examination. This test warns patients of the presence of early pre-cancerous lesion.