What is cancer?

In simple terms, cancer is an abnormal growth of body cells. Each one of us is born with a potential for cancer. One cannot “Catch” it as one would an infection or a cold. When the programming of a cell or a group of cells is affected, growth may become uncontrolled. Some of the factors that can alter the code are chronic irritation, tobacco, smoke and dust, radioactive substances, age, sex, race and heredity. While one cannot control many of these factors, we need to be aware of the ones we can control of. Prevention is definitely better than treatment of cancer. No one yet talks of cure.

What is the difference between normal and malignant cells?

Normal cells grow in a well regulated pattern. When cancer sets in, a group of cells suddenly starts multiplying in a haphazard and uncontrolled way, forming lumps or tumors. a malignant tumor never stops growing and can spread to other parts of the body.

Broadly, there are 19 cancers that can be generally related to life style.